Extension of Self: A dance between human and digital was a physically integrated movement workshop and film screening with Full Radius Dance.
The dancers will be performing in response to the exhibit, Extension of Self: What it means to be human in a digital world, which features six Atlanta artists and researchers working at the innovative intersection of art, science, technology, and accessibility. Personal identities are complex and full of multiplicities. During the performance all artists and dancers question the role that digital technology plays in our lives, while integrating it into their work to create interactive and expressive art.
Full Radius Dance is a physically integrated dance company based in Atlanta. The company is committed to redefining the boundaries of dance through performance, education, and advocacy, and constantly seeks opportunities to promote its core values for body positivity. Full Radius Dance believes that your body is perfect, has undiscovered movement, and can experience dance.
Choreographer Douglas Scott leads a team of eight dancers, AK Bayer, Vic Davis, Jr., Julianna Feracota, Jodie Jernigan, Courtney Michelle McClendon, Ashlee Jo Ramsey-Borunov, Matthew Smith, and Peter L. Trojic in Extension of Self: A dance between human and digital.